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The Modern Entrepreneur’s Sales Manifesto

Every business owner’s success is grounded in sales – how to make them and multiply them fast. We’re here to help with our complete guide to growing sales, whether you’re a startup or an established entrepreneur looking to take your business to the next level. We’ll show you how to master the sales mindset, generate leads, test out new sales strategies — and ultimately close more deals.

Five common sales worries business owners face — and ways you can combat them to close the deal.

The expression, “He could sell ice to an Eskimo,” acknowledges that certain people are born salespeople.

For most small-business owners, however, the selling process is anything but easy. In fact, when it comes to pitching their product or service, many entrepreneurs struggle with any number of issues, including lack of confidence in themselves or their product, fear of failure and fear of closing the deal. The good news: Experts say these fears can be overcome with the proper attitude, training and practice.

Here are five of the most common fears about selling and how they can be conquered.

Fear No. 1: You will make a negative first impression. We all know how important a first impression is, and the fear that you will not make a good one can be intense. It may even make you avoid meeting ideal prospects.

How to overcome it: Show credibility through your appearance and nonverbal behavior, says Larina Kase, author of Clients, Clients and More Clients: Create an Endless Stream of New Business with the Power of Psychology (McGraw-Hill, 2011). Research shows that people are attracted to others who dress like them, she says, adding, “If your audience is school-aged girls, you may wear hot pink or purple, or if your audience is conservative business suit types, you may wear a suit with a bright shirt or tie, something that also shows your personal style.” Focus on nonverbal behaviors like smiling (though not a “perma-smile”), eye contact and open posture, and be sure not to fidget and play with keys or other objects.

Fear No. 2: You will be rejected. Experienced salespeople know they aren’t going to be successful 100 percent of the time, but newcomers may regard failure as the end of the world. Joe Stewart, owner and general manager of Danco Transmission in Fairfield, Ohio, remembers attempting his first sale at age 21. “I almost turned white with fear from what might happen if they said that awful two-letter word we all despise as salespeople, ‘No,'” he recalls.

How to overcome it: Professionals not only know rejection happens, they look forward to it, says Peter Shallard, a Sydney, Australia-based business psychology expert and blogger. Understanding the reasons behind a rejection can help you refine your product and presentation. Stewart, now 43, reflects on that first experience, saying, “For me, the only way to beat that fear was to confront it. The more I did it the better I became at it, and less fear was the result.”

Fear No. 3: You’ll come across as pushy. We’ve all had at least one negative experience with a salesperson who kept pushing and pressuring and wouldn’t let us leave or hang up the phone. Many business owners worry they’ll make prospects feel that way.

How to overcome it: Kase suggests focusing more on having a conversation with someone than simply selling. Learn the prospect’s needs and ask yourself if what you’re offering is of real value to that person. When you care about your prospective customer and develop a sense of trust, you’re more likely to make the sale. “My first customer let me know that at first they felt uncomfortable due to the horror stories they had heard about other auto repair places,” Danco’s Stewart says. “But that quickly subsided after speaking with me because I made them feel as though they were family.”

Fear No. 4: You won’t deliver. Even when you do get a yes, you may fear you won’t be able to fulfill all of the person’s expectations. You may even suffer from the “Impostor Syndrome,” which means you’re starting to question the value of your own products.

How to overcome it: Kase suggests gathering feedback from customers and taking note of all the ways you have delivered. That approach helped Christine Buffaloe, who started Serenity Virtual Assistant Services, an online business management service, in 2005, and feared people would think she wasn’t worth what she was charging. Buffaloe says she gained confidence from reading the testimonials on her own website. “Continuously look for ways to improve your services so you are sure you’re providing optimal value,” she adds, “and you will always be confident in your abilities.”

Fear No. 5: You don’t know if you’re doing it right.Going into sales without any training can be terrifying. How do you know you’re using the right tactics and offering people what they need?

Richard Branson on How to Avoid Common Startup Mistakes

Q. What are some of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make when starting out?

A: Making mistakes is part of the process of building a company; quickly recovering from them is what’s most important. It’s all part of the adventure of entrepreneurship, which will require all of your stamina, drive and determination.

But your way forward is not entirely uncharted: When you notice an opportunity that has never occurred to anyone else, there are certain steps to turning your vision into reality. You must formulate an innovative business plan, find funding, hire the right people to carry out the plan, and then step back from your role in the business at exactly the right moment.

Let’s take a look at these steps, and also at ways to avoid some of the most common mistakes new entrepreneurs make.

Step 1: Stay on Target
A mistake often associated with the first step is signaled by an entrepreneur’s inability to clearly and concisely convey his idea. You have to be able to generate buy-in from investors, partners and potential employees, so nail down your “elevator speech” – what you would say if you ran into an important potential investor in an elevator. Try using a Twitter-like template to refine the essence of your concept into just 140 characters. Once you’ve done that, expand your message to a maximum of 500 characters. Remember, the shorter your pitch is, the clearer it will be.

An associated error is lack of focus. If your start-up has been tagged as “the next big thing,” the adrenaline rush that comes with building buzz can lead to impetuous decisions and a loss of a sense of purpose. Many entrepreneurs end up sprinting in many directions instead of taking assertive steps toward their target. Clearly define your goals and strategies, then establish a timeline. Don’t let the other possibilities or hazy dreams distract you from achieving your goal.

Getting too far ahead of yourself is also dangerous. If your product or service is still on the drawing board, don’t get sidetracked by plans for future versions. As a general guideline, looking two or three years ahead is best, but the nature of your business and feedback from your investors will help you determine just how far ahead you should plan.

Be flexible, because just as lack of planning can be a problem, adhering blindly to your plan is a surefire way to steer your company off a cliff. A successful entrepreneur will constantly adjust course without losing sight of the final destination.

Step 2: Be Realistic About Costs
Don’t shortchange your start-up when estimating the funds you will require – you’ll just diminish your chances of success. Keeping your expenses under control is vital, but don’t confuse capitalization with costs. The playing field is littered with undercapitalized start-ups that were doomed from the outset.

In the late `90s, David Neeleman told me he needed $160 million in start-up capital for JetBlue – a huge sum, far more than most entrants to the industry manage to raise. Most of the so-called experts scoffed at the notion that he would be able to find the money and launch a low-cost airline when established companies were failing one after the other, but he stuck to his guns and raised the money. As a result, JetBlue had one of the most successful airline launches of all time, and turned a profit only six months after its launch in 2000.

Step 3: Hire the People You Need, Not the People You Like
As tempting as it may be to staff your new business with friends and relatives, this is likely to be a serious mistake. If they don’t work out, asking them to leave will be very tough.

When Virgin starts any new business, we always hire a core team of smart people who already know the industry and its inherent risks. Take full advantage of the knowledge pool you’ve created; when a problem comes up, remember that nobody has all the answers, including you.
One of your goals should be to find a manager who truly shares your vision, and to whom you can someday confidently hand the reins so that you can carry out the next step.
Step 4: Know When to Say Goodbye
A great entrepreneur knows when the time has come to leave the CEO role. It’s seldom easy, but it has to be done: few entrepreneurs make great managers. In my own case, managing the daily operations of a business simply isn’t in my DNA. (Or, as I’ve said to friends, “It’s not bloody likely.”)

Stepping back doesn’t mean turning your back on your business. At Virgin, I’m always involved in the launch of a new business, and then I gradually hand over control to the new management team as it starts to jell. But no matter how long it has been since I was at the helm, if I see something that I don’t like, I’m not at all shy about making my thoughts known and asking some very pointed questions.

Founders shouldn’t hesitate to re-insert themselves into their businesses when necessary – look at Larry Page, who temporarily returned to the CEO role at Google in April. That said, I had to laugh when I heard this news, wondering how many managers at Virgin businesses had thought, “Wow, I hope this doesn’t give Richard any ideas.”

Where was SEC as trouble festered at Chinese companies?

(Reuters) – Alarmed by widening accounting debacles at U.S.-listed Chinese companies, American regulators are scrambling to stem the damage from gaps in laws adopted to protect investors after the Enron scandal a decade ago.

U.S. investors had risked billions of dollars on hundreds of companies based in China – under a belief they were subject to U.S. rules when they sell and list shares in the United States – but a lot of that money has gone up in smoke.

The accounting blowups have humbled some prominent American investors such as top hedge fund manager John Paulson and former AIG CEO Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, spawned lawsuits and prompted a broad investigation by U.S. regulators.

Since March alone, more than two dozen U.S.-listed Chinese companies have announced auditor resignations or accounting problems, and there have been similar blowups in Canada.

Regulators and exchanges also have appeared flat-footed in the face of the growing scandal.

U.S. laws, including the sweeping 2002 Sarbanes-Oxley reform act meant to root out accounting fraud, lose some of their power with Chinese-based entities. The U.S. has no extradition treaty with China and the evidence gathering process in China is impeded by state secrets laws.

“The Chinese accounting problem has been festering for a long time,” said Duke University law professor Jim Cox, who serves on a standing advisory group of the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB), which was set up under Sarbanes-Oxley to oversee accounting firms, including doing thorough inspections of their work.


“It’s going to get worse before it gets better,” said Cox, who faults the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission for not taking quicker action.

In particular, he said, the SEC has been slow to tighten oversight of U.S. shell companies acquired by Chinese firms through so-called “reverse mergers” to gain access to U.S. capital markets without having to go through an initial public offering.

SEC officials acknowledged problems with inspecting the accounting records of China-based companies well over a year ago at a meeting of the PCAOB advisory group, he said.

Meredith Cross, head of corporation finance for the SEC, said the agency has stepped up its reviews of Chinese reverse merger firms over the past year.

“We’re currently thinking through whether there is more that we can do,” Cross said.

A year ago, it launched a cross-border working group to review issues with Chinese reverse mergers and other companies with substantial foreign operations.

Officials from the SEC and PCAOB are holding talks with counterparts in Beijing this week in an attempt to get inspection access to Chinese auditors for U.S.-listed companies as one way to get on top of the problem.

But regulators said there is a core problem with tackling the reverse merger question head on because mergers come under state rather than federal law.

“We don’t have a way to say, ‘You can’t do reverse mergers,'” said the SEC’s Cross. “Because the issue of whether someone can merge is not an SEC question, but a matter of state law, it’s not something where we could just wave a magic wand and say, ‘we’re not going to let reverse mergers happen anymore.'”

She did, though, note that such firms were bound by reporting requirements once they were listed.

The SEC also has resource constraints, she said, with about 350 people in its corporation finance division reviewing financial reports of more than 10,000 public companies. It has, though, been devoting more resources to the reverse mergers problem, she noted.

Further complicating matters, the SEC’s Chinese counterpart, the China Securities Regulatory Commission, has no enforcement authority over many of the companies accused of fraud because they only sell shares in the United States.

Like other securities regulators, the CSRC has limited resources, said former SEC chairman Christopher Cox. “When triage is the name of the game, it’s natural that the home country’s priority is protecting its own citizens.”

The SEC has brought several actions against China-based issuers in recent years. In most cases, action consisted of suspending trading or revoking companies’ registration, though more severe penalties were also pursued.

China Energy Savings Technology Inc and its managers were ordered by a federal court in 2009 to pay a $34 million judgment after being charged with a stock manipulation scheme by the SEC.

Chinese courts typically do not enforce U.S. judgments, though at least $4 million will be recovered in that case because the SEC froze assets in the United States.


Accounting misconduct fell dramatically in the United States after authorities cracked down on corporate crime in the wake of the Enron and WorldCom frauds. A section of Sarbanes-Oxley that made it a felony for executives to certify false financial statements was one big deterrent.

That provision applies to companies that sell securities in U.S. markets, whether they are based in the United States or another country, but few Chinese executives fear being led away in handcuffs because of the lack of an extradition treaty, lawyers said.

“If you’re a CEO of a company based in China and sign a false Sarbanes-Oxley certification, it’s very difficult for the U.S. government or Justice Department to charge you with that crime, indict you and bring you to justice,” said Phillip Kim, attorney at the Rosen Law Firm. “There are no treaties that provide for that.”

Some Chinese executives resist answering to U.S. authorities at all, auditors said.

“They believe they should not have to respond if they feel any request is too intrusive and believe that they can tell the SEC no,” Mimi Justice, head of Deloitte’s forensic and dispute practice in Orange County, California said at a recent conference in Los Angeles.

Getting auditors’ work papers — crucial evidence in many accounting frauds — has been especially difficult. Many accounting firms would like to hand over records but fear violating China’s state secrets law, attorneys said.

“They have a real dilemma on their hands as to how to respond to the U.S. regulators when to do so might expose them to criminal sanctions in China,” said Alan Linning, a partner at Sidley Austin in Hong Kong.

Crashing share prices and the publicity surrounding them do, of course, have their own Darwinian way of making investors more vigilant. There is, for example, much less appetite for new Chinese listings now, and many of the earlier listings are little more than penny-stock wreckage.

But to some that just begs the question — is the action from the regulators too little, too late?

“I think the public is looking for an SEC that is proactive and in front of these issues, and they have yet to do that in this instance,” said Lynn Turner, a former chief accountant at the SEC.

Goldman Sachs Took Biggest Loan From Undisclosed 2008 Fed Crisis Program

Goldman Sachs & Co., a unit of the most profitable bank in Wall Street history, took $15 billion from the U.S. Federal Reserve on Dec. 9, 2008, the biggest single loan from a lending program whose details have been secret until today.

The program, which peaked at $80 billion in loans outstanding, was known as the Fed’s single-tranche open-market operations, or ST OMO. It made 28-day loans to units of 19 banks between March 7, 2008, and Dec. 30, 2008. Bloomberg reported on ST OMO in May, after the Fed released incomplete records on the program. In response to a subsequent Freedom of Information Act request for details, the central bank disclosed borrower names, amounts borrowed and interest rates.

ST OMO is the last known Fed crisis lending program to have its details made public. The central bank resisted previous FOIA requests on emergency lending for more than two years, disclosing details in March of its oldest loan facility, the discount window, only after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled it had to. When Congress mandated the December 2010 release of data on special initiatives the Fed created in its unprecedented $3.5 trillion response to the 2007-2009 collapse in credit markets, ST OMO — an expansion of a longstanding program — wasn’t included.

“The Fed has come a long way over a long period of time as far as transparency,” said Raymond W. Stone, managing director and economist with Stone & McCarthy Research Associates in Princeton, New Jersey. “They thought counterparties might be harmed, but now so much time has passed that the information is not as sensitive anymore.”

Primary Dealers

The 19 borrowers from the program are known as primary dealers, which are designated to trade government securities directly with Federal Reserve Bank of New York. They bid at auctions for ST OMO’s cash. While the rates they paid generally tracked the federal funds rate, the rate for some dipped as low as 0.01 percent in December 2008.

The New York Fed conducted 44 ST OMO auctions, according to its website. Banks bid the interest rate they were willing to pay for the loans and pledged mortgage-backed securities guaranteed by government-sponsored enterprises such as Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac as collateral for the Fed’s cash. The transactions were known as repurchase agreements, or repos.

Longstanding Program

ST OMO was an expansion of longstanding open-market operations, which offered cash for up to two weeks and were used as a tool of monetary policy. In March 2008, the Fed adapted the program to alleviate pressures in short-term credit markets, according to a news release the central bank issued at the time.

The program shouldn’t be grouped with the Fed’s other crisis lending initiatives because it was “not outside of the Fed’s standard authorities,” David E. Altig, senior vice president and director of research at the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, said in his blog in May.

The New York Fed posted aggregate data about the program on its website after each auction, said Jeffrey Smith, a New York Fed spokesman. By increasing the availability of short-term financing when private lenders were under pressure, “this program helped alleviate strains in financial markets and support the flow of credit to U.S. households and businesses,” he said. All of the ST OMO loans were repaid.

Some primary dealers used the program to help customers, such as hedge funds, finance their holdings of mortgage-backed securities, Stone said.

MBS Market

“The Fed didn’t want to just finance the primary dealers, they wanted the mortgage-backed securities market to become more fluid,” Stone said.

Credit Suisse Securities USA LLC, a unit of Switzerland’s second-biggest bank, had $45 billion in loans outstanding on Aug. 27, 2008 — the largest peak borrowing amount, the data show.

“Credit Suisse was a net creditor throughout the crisis and made between $30 and $70 billion of liquidity available to central banks each day,” said Victoria Harmon, a spokeswoman for the bank in New York.

Six of the program’s top seven borrowers were units of foreign banks, the data show.

Goldman Sachs’s peak outstanding loans were the second- highest at $34.5 billion on Dec. 31, 2008, when interest rates were at their lowest, according to the data. Michael DuVally, a spokesman for New York-based Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS), the parent company of the primary dealer, declined to comment.

Lehman Brothers

Lehman Brothers Inc. had two loans totaling $2 billion outstanding when its parent investment bank filed the biggest bankruptcy in U.S. history on Sept. 15, 2008, the data show. Those loans were repaid on Sept. 18, 2008, under a separate agreement, the Fed’s release said. Lehman’s peak borrowings from ST OMO reached $18 billion on June 25, 2008, according to the data.

Kimberly Macleod, a Lehman spokeswoman, didn’t immediately respond to an e-mail seeking comment.

RBS Securities Inc., a unit of Britain’s second-biggest bank by market capitalization, had $31.5 billion in loans outstanding on Oct. 8, 2008, and UBS Securities LLC, part of Switzerland’s biggest bank, borrowed as much as $20.5 billion on Nov. 26, 2008, the Fed said.

Among the smallest loans was one to Bear Stearns & Co., the primary-dealer unit of Bear Stearns Cos. The primary dealer took one loan from ST OMO for $500 million, on March 12, 2008, according to the release. JPMorgan Chase & Co. (JPM) bought the New York-based investment bank four days later. The loan was repaid on April 9, 2008, the data show.

The information on ST OMO is available on the central bank’s Web site:

Weekly Business Opportunity (WBO)

I have created this new series of posts to get the most out of the networks that i´m connected with. Instead of writing and talking to anyone individually – which is getting more and more complicated as my networks have grown to a couple of thousands of high profile individuals and companies.
So the idea arose that i simply blog the new ideas that are crossing my way once a week. And if you are interested in introducing your idea, Investment or event – just let me know – and send me an excecutive summary.
It would be perfect if you can support the idea and spread it through your networks to make it a max success.

Car Manufacturer based in Maranello is seeking for 3M in exchange for 40% stake

The car will be manufactured and designed in Italy within the Triangle of other Super Sport Cars such as Pagani. But here we are talking about an SAV that can run over 300. It will be more likely some kind of  Fashion than only a car. I have seen the first pics and i like it.

The car is alreday drawing the attention of rich Russians as well as people from the Middle East. Some people of ths regions are buying cars for 3M, you can have 40% of the company. 

(further documents on request)

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Weekly Business Opportunity (WBO)

I have created this new series of posts to get the most out of the networks that i´m connected with. Instead of writing and talking to anyone individually – which is getting more and more complicated as my networks have grown to a couple of thousands of high profile individuals and companies.
So the idea arose that i simply blog the new ideas that are crossing my way once a week. And if you are interested in introducing your idea, Investment or event – just let me know – and send me an excecutive summary.
It would be perfect if you can support the idea and spread it through your networks to make it a max success.

Investment in a Russian Goldmine $20 Million

The mine is fully operational. 20 Million needed for further growth. Could be financed by own cashflow at a lower pace. Ther current investors are majorly from Switzerland plus one big shareholder from Russia.

The Swiss shareholders are very well known names from Zurich area. The project is also under review of one of the major Swiss Banks.

(further documents on request)

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Retail FX poised for further growth in Asia, says Aite Group

Aite Group identified demographic trends, internet penetration and potential returns in financial turmoil as the key drivers for the strong performance of retail platforms

The retail foreign exchange market will maintain its growth trajectory for the next 10 to 15 years, with the US market expected to reach 4.8 million trading accounts by 2020, according to a report published on May 17 by Boston-based research and advisory firm Aite Group.

In the 71-page report, Retail FX traders: pilgrims to the land of high returns, Aite Group’s senior analyst Javier Paz said demographic trends, internet penetration and the response to financial turmoil will attract new retail investors to FX as it offers the best potential returns as an asset class.

Half of the retail FX market is located in Asia, according to Aite, and the Japanese market has grown by an annual average of 797,000 new trading accounts for the past four years. Aite believes the retail market is set to become even more Asia-centric over the next decade.

“A once-in-a-generation opportunity to market retail FX to a vast group of prospects aged 30 to 55 will exist in the Middle East, Asia and Latin America through to 2020. Asian traders might not offer the highest average account sizes, but make up for that in numbers,” Paz said.

The report also highlighted the estimated increase in the number of retail FX traders globally, which it attributed partly to the growth seen by major retail brokers, including FXCM and Gain Capital, which both announced their financial results last week.

FXCM reported a $2.8 million profit for the first quarter on May 16, while Gain Capital revealed it had achieved a quarterly trading volume of $512.5 billion in the first quarter. Gain reported significant growth in traded retail accounts, funded retail accounts and client assets, up 18%, 32% and 34% respectively.
On May 13, Gain Capital completed its acquisition of the dbFX retail trading platform from Deutsche Bank, which was announced on April 21. The acquisition has provided the broker with an extra $55 million in client assets and approximately 1,650 clients.

According to Glenn Stevens, chief executive of Gain Capital in New Jersey, new regulations in the US and Japan have resulted in higher capital requirements and lower leverage for retail firms, which is likely to drive further consolidation in the sector.

“We see increased transparency, consolidation and regulation as the main themes in the retail FX industry. Smaller firms who are already resource-constrained will not be able to meet the requirements and continue to invest in their business. We expect to see more consolidation globally and part of Gain’s corporate development strategy is to leverage our strong balance sheet to selectively pursue acquisition opportunities,” said Glenn Stevens, chief executive at Gain Capital in New Jersey.

Locked-in hedge investors face four-year wait, says Tullett Prebon

GLOBAL – Some investors locked into hedge funds in the financial crisis may not have redemptions satisfied fully until 2015, according to officials at market intermediary Tullett Prebon.
The long wait is a sign the liquidity crunch that hit the alternatives industry almost three years ago has further to run.

Neil Campbell, Tullett Prebon’s head of alternative investments, said redeeming investors in strategies including direct lending and illiquid credit may not be paid out in full until 2015.
“At the height of the crisis most pain was felt in these strategies. Although these managers can make distributions – maybe 10% to 15% each redemption date – it’s still going to take investors two to four years to get all their money back.
“All the funds that could become liquid sooner have already become liquid, and what we’re working through now is illiquid positions that will last for a long time.”
By Tullett Prebon’s estimates, about $60bn remains locked. Illiquid positions give managers headaches – “a nightmare to administer which eventually you have to clean up” – and irritate investors immensely.
The firm offers ad hoc matching of sellers with willing buyers of troubled fund stakes, with transactions occurring at typical discounts to NAV of between 25% and 35%. It has sold stakes for as little as $60,000, and for over $100m.
Sellers have included North American and European pensions.
The broker is launching an auction service, working closely with funds’ general partners, disseminating asking prices for stakes and lowering them until a buyer is found.
“For investors bidding on entire portfolios, it is a useful service because it has already been a long time horizon waiting for liquidity, as side pockets will normally require a two- to four-year view. To offer people a solution at this stage of the cycle is helpful to all counterparties,” Campbell says.
Tullett Prebon will charge the buyers, not sellers, of stakes, in contrast to some rivals. “If you charge the sellers they effectively pay twice – once in having to sell at a discount [to NAV], then again to transact.”
It then aims to keep quoting prices on the stakes “to create liquidity in the market, not just conduct auctions then move on.” It currently quotes on between 150 and 200 stakes.
Some of these are stakes in funds entangled in cases of fraud.
These include asset-based lending funds that invested in convicted embezzler Tom Petters in the US – stakes cost $0.05 per dollar of face value – and funds offloading their rights to recompense from Bernard Madoff’s fraud. These fetch anywhere between $0.20 and $0.60 in the dollar – up from near nothing following Madoff’s arrest.
Campbell concedes: “That is a market that took a long time to develop, but as people are being claimed against, and as the trustee [Irving Picard] gets more money back, people see these stakes are worth something. A lot has traded already and a there is a lot more to trade yet.”
Not all investors selling stakes are hamstrung by fraud or illiquidity. Some may simply seek exit more quickly than standard redemption terms allow, or to avoid exit fees.
Willing buyers include funds of funds, family offices and asset managers with specialist portfolios vacuuming up illiquid stakes.

Weekly Business Opportunity (WBO)

I have created this new series of posts to get the most out of the networks that i´m connected with. Instead of writing and talking to anyone individually – which is getting more and more complicated as my networks have grown to a couple of thousands of high profile individuals and companies.
So the idea arose that i simply blog the new ideas that are crossing my way once a week. And if you are interested in introducing your idea, Investment or event – just let me know – and send me an excecutive summary.
It would be perfect if you can support the idea and spread it through your networks to make it a max success.

Possible investment in India, estimated return 15-18%:
– Gasify swithgrass (25%moisture) to produce 1MW
– Cost of switchgrass $40/ton, electricity $60/MW
– 1 ton switchgrass/hour yield 1 MW power
– Business plan based on $20 di erential between
cost of raw material and selling price of electricity.

– Waste to synfuel plant located in industrial
– Plant capacity 100t/d based on industrial wastes
(foam, paper, cloth,etc)
– Synfuel delivered to ink manufacturer (25T/H)
– Project economics based on $100/ton tipping fees
for industrial wastes and $20/ton of steam
– Project payback 1-2 year

Responsible: Shiv Hoysala

Iron Ore Deal, with a 30% coupon

The company will sell more than one of these $5M secured debentures with a 30% coupon ($1.5M return paid in equal quarterly payments over 12 months).

In addition threre is signed a binding agreement (witnessed and filed with the Ministry of Mining) with a mine in Mexico for 60,000t a month or iron ore at $85. The company has a buyer ready to issue an ICPO (legally binding purchase contract) for $115/t. Having both a firm contract with the mine, and a legally binding purchase order from a buyer should help an investor to feelcomfortable with this transaction as it provides tangible evidence for the numbers we are putting in the offering document.

(further documents on request)

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Weekly Business Opportunity (WBO)

I have created this new series of posts to get the most out of the networks that i´m connected with. Instead of writing and talking to anyone individually – which is getting more and more complicated as my networks have grown to a couple of thousands of high profile individuals and companies.
So the idea arose that i simply blog the new ideas that are crossing my way once a week. And if you are interested in introducing your idea, Investment or event – just let me know – and send me an excecutive summary.
It would be perfect if you can support the idea and spread it through your networks to make it a max success.

Switzerland (Baar) – Waste Management 15M needed

The company is alreday established and has some interesting new contracts for the 3rd generation of their defragmentation technology. The output in termes of purity is unique in the business and CO2 neutral. The money is needed to speed up the international expansion.
Another plus is the Management Team and another Patent which is an additive that can be a revolution in the construction of streets and tunnels.

USA (Miami) – Beverage 600T in exchange of 30% company shares

An already establshed brand in the US is seeking additional funds for their European expansion. First step will be the german speeking countries. A smart design and the good taste will leave a footprint on the market.

Please spread this in your Network.

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Weekly Business Opportunity

I have created this new series of posts to get the most out of the networks that i´m connected with. Instead of writing and talking to anyone individually – which is getting more and more complicated as my networks have grown to a couple of thousands of high profile individuals and companies.
So the idea arose that i simply blog the new ideas that are crossing my way once a week. And if you are interested in introducing your idea, Investment or event – just let me know – and send me an excecutive summary.
It would be perfect if you can support the idea and spread it through your networks to make it a max success.

New Delhi, India – Pharmaindustry (Generica, Oncology)

The company is looking for 3M in exchange for 20% of the companies share. The company will focus on the
EE, Asian and LatAm markets as here the people can´t afford the original medicine.
The gross margin is planned to be at 70% so you can easily evaluate the break-even for your investment.

Malta/Switzerland – B2B Luxury Event Agency

The company has a very well established Management Team with in-depth market knowledge. They setup a very interesting
concept that gives them a smart access to the political leaders in various EE and Asian countries. The company needs 2.5M to accelerate their growth. It is planned to return the investment in less than 2y.

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With the exception of the 15-year returns which declined
slightly, venture capital performance improved from last quarter across all time horizons as of
the end of the fourth quarter of 2010, according to the Cambridge Associates U.S. Venture
Capital Index®, the performance benchmark of the National Venture Capital Association
(NVCA). The increase in returns marks a continued trend in which the improved exit markets
and more favorable portfolio valuations are positively impacting venture performance for the
first time since the recession of 2008. Venture capital performance also surpassed the public
market indices for the quarter, 5-, 15- and 20-year time horizons as of the end of 2010.
Venture capitalists are committed to funding America’s most innovative entrepreneurs, working
closely with them to transform breakthrough ideas into emerging growth companies that drive
U.S. job creation and economic growth. According to a 2011 Global Insight study, venturebacked
companies accounted for 12 million jobs and $3.1 trillion in revenue in the United States
in 2010. As the voice of the U.S. venture capital community, the National Venture Capital
Association (NVCA) empowers its members and the entrepreneurs they fund by advocating for
policies that encourage innovation and reward long-term investment. As the venture
community’s preeminent trade association, NVCA serves as the definitive resource for venture
capital data and unites its 400 plus members through a full range of professional services.

For more information about the NVCA, please visit